Dear members, moderators and GM.

Here is my problem:

Today I decided to format my computer and during this process, I lost the Any OTP software.

I logged to their site and chose the option to download PC version. The following message appears to me:

You have not logged in recently,
please enter the One Time Password or Verification Code to proceed.
For security purposes, we will be verifying your access information.

So it seems that in order to download it again, I need either a random PW generated by OTP or a verification code that can be send to my cell.

But unfortunatelly right now I can´t use any of these options. The first one is due to obvious reasons. I formated the computer and have no Any OTP installed.

The second reason is because I don´t have my old phone number active anymore. I´m a Brazilian player but I was living in Chile during the last 12 months. So I used a Chilean phone number which I don´t access anymore. Right now, I´m in Brazil on vacation.

So how can I install it again without any of these possibilities avalable?

Please notice that I have around 180 hours of EXP Premium and so it would be great if I could be able to log in again ASAP.

Kytan, Ephesus.